02 March 2008

Swing shaping up

After shaking the flu and a couple weeks of cold weather things are finally looking good for my golf game. I've had a couple weeks to focus on short game and putting mechanics and am very pleased with the progress I've been making in those areas. After a full swing lesson yesterday with Rock Hill Country Club head professional John Hughes my swing fundamentals look as good as I have ever seen them. I hit several hundred balls today and put several swings on video, including probably the best driver swing I have ever made. I would post the video on the internet for everyone to see but my computer skills definitly are not up to that! I feel like the lesson with John went really well. It was refreshing to take a lesson and not worry about looking at video or drawing lines on a computer screen. Sometimes those things can be helpful but I think keeping it simple is a good philosophy for me to follow right now. Oh and a special thanks to Miles and Will for letting me beat them in a putting contest to help my confidence. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

mcbeast101 said...

Glad I could help. Maybe a rematch at some point. Good luck.

Miles C