26 March 2008

Ready or not!

Tomorrow is a day that has seemed so far off for a long time. The last couple of weeks have flown by and I now find myself in south Florida getting ready to compete in a Hooters Tour event for the first time in almost two years! My game has continued to improve daily and being back out playing practice rounds with some old buddies has been especially helpful. I still seem to have the tendency to zone out mentally on occasion, the only cure for that might be tournament golf. I tee it up at 12:57 Thursday afternoon and 7:57 Friday morning. I am 100% sure that this is what I am supposed to be doing, the first time I have felt like that since losing my Nationwide Tour status in 2002. What a great feeling, I had almost forgotten what it felt like. Thank-you to everyone for the prayers and being so supportive of me especially to my wife Elizabeth who is the greatest and most supportive wife a tour player could ever have. I know it is still a long road ahead but I am excited about taking on the challenges that are coming. Thanks for taking the time to check my blog. I will be updating more often now that I am getting ready to start playing tomorrow. You can also check my scores at Hooterstour.com.


Anonymous said...

good luck!


Anonymous said...

Even though I miss you I am absolutely positive that you are exactly where you need to be. The dogs are taking good care of me back at home (along with the dozens of amazing friends we have to check up on me!). Can't wait to join you in FL next week...hugs and kisses from your adoring wife : )

GOGO said...

Hey Joey ....good luck man. We will be following your progress back here in RH.


GOGO said...

Good luck...we will be keeping up with your progress back here at the Rock...


urfuturecaddiekb said...

Know you had a tough day today...hang in there. We are all pulling for you.