25 May 2008

Daddy Joey

This is Elizabeth...writing for Joey. He's spending every minute he can holding our new little chickadee so I thought I would send out an update for him. Lucy is here! Born Friday, 05.23.08, 7 lbs 6 oz, 20 1/2 inches, and beautiful! Joey already has her in a rigorous workout of lifting her head at least 10 times per day and bulking up on high protein formula to get her ready for the LPGA tour (just kidding...he actually just holds, cuddles, and stares at her ALL the time!) For all the details and pictures you can go to our family blog at:


I can't wait for you to all see Joey in his new daddy role - he's a pro at that too!

21 May 2008

Sorry no updates!

Sorry I was unable to update from the Hooters event in Kentucky, my internet connection was not good at all! I hit the ball solid all week but once again managed to score awfully. I still feel like I continue to make big improvements every day though despite some of my scores. Most of my practice time is now devoted to inside 120 yards. On a more important note, Elizabeth and I will be welcoming Lucy Maxon into our family this Friday! We are both feeling a little overwhelmed right now so please pray that everything goes as planned this weekend. I will be off for several weeks to spend time with family. Thanks for checking in!

12 May 2008

I'm back!

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while and I apologize. I am not very good at updating this thing, I promise to be better about it. As practice I am going to blog after every round of the Hooters event in Kentucky this week. Sure to make for riveting, suspenseful reading! A very short update...Elizabeth and I will be parents in a couple weeks and my golf game is improving rapidly with numbers to back it up. Look for good results soon!

31 March 2008

Not ready!

What do you get when you combine several swing thoughts with windy conditions? High scores, embarrassing high scores. On to Orlando this week where I think I am going to try and focus on some very simple fundamentals. On a positive note, I was 9 for 9 on putts inside a foot last week. Unfortunately most of them were tap-ins for bogey. Gotta get better this week.

26 March 2008

Ready or not!

Tomorrow is a day that has seemed so far off for a long time. The last couple of weeks have flown by and I now find myself in south Florida getting ready to compete in a Hooters Tour event for the first time in almost two years! My game has continued to improve daily and being back out playing practice rounds with some old buddies has been especially helpful. I still seem to have the tendency to zone out mentally on occasion, the only cure for that might be tournament golf. I tee it up at 12:57 Thursday afternoon and 7:57 Friday morning. I am 100% sure that this is what I am supposed to be doing, the first time I have felt like that since losing my Nationwide Tour status in 2002. What a great feeling, I had almost forgotten what it felt like. Thank-you to everyone for the prayers and being so supportive of me especially to my wife Elizabeth who is the greatest and most supportive wife a tour player could ever have. I know it is still a long road ahead but I am excited about taking on the challenges that are coming. Thanks for taking the time to check my blog. I will be updating more often now that I am getting ready to start playing tomorrow. You can also check my scores at Hooterstour.com.