15 February 2008

Sidelined by the Flu

This is the first time in probably ten years that I have had the Flu and it is no fun. Started feeling bad last Sunday afternoon and have pretty much spent the last four days on the couch. I am over the worst of it now (fever is gone) and starting to feel much better. Hopefully within a day or two I'll be able to resume workouts!

04 February 2008

Putter out of order!

Today was my first official day away from work! I played in a local section event at Waterford to kick things off. 73 with 35 putts, ouch. I did however manage to finish tied for second out of 15. Results however were not what today was about. It felt great to be playing competitively again and only increased my desire to find out how good I can get over the next few years. I guess I'll start tomorrow with several hours on the putting green!